How to Deploy a New Rails App to Heroku Through GitHub

The following article takes you through all the steps from initializing your new Rails app to deploying it to Heroku through GitHub. There are a few extra steps, e.g. adding Bootstrap and creating pages with content, which are not essential to this process but make everything look a little nicer.

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Takeaways from Building My First Rails App

My first Ruby on Rails project turned out to be more challenging but also more fun than I expected. The app is meant for insulation professionals to create quotes more easily.

You can create a new quote with multiple applications (e.g. insulation in the wall/ceiling/floor) and add accessories to the quote. The quote will automatically calculate the type of insulation you should use for a specific application and sort it by which one is the most cost effective.

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Building the Basic Structure of a Sinatra CRUD App in Ruby

When following the recommended MVC pattern and CRUD actions building a well-structured Sinatra app is a breeze. Read more to learn how to build an outline for just about any Sinatra CRUD app.

Developing a Sinatra app with Ruby can be challenging, especially because there are many conventions and rules you have to follow to create a well-structured app. That part isn’t really bad news though, in fact, it makes your job easier because you don’t have to make those decisions that are already made for you (because we all know how hard it is to make decisions).

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Events Nearby, a CLI Ruby Gem

Developing my first Ruby Gem was quite an experience. There were ups and downs just like with almost any programming project – but that’s what I love about programming. Also, trying to consistently commit your changes with git took some getting used to.

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Web Scraping in Ruby with Nokogiri and Open-URI

Scraping is a form of extracting HTML from a website programmatically. In Ruby all you need to scrape a site is Nokogiri (to parse HTML) and Open-URI (to make HTTP requests).

Web scraping is a form of data extraction from web pages. It is usually used as a last resort if a site doesn’t provide an API or some other form of structured data.

Things to Consider

Scraping and be used for fun or simply to practice your coding skills, I should note though that there are websites out there that don’t want you to scrape and try to prevent you from doing so. You should always make sure that it’s ok for you to scrape a site if you’re embarking upon a large project.

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